Thursday, October 11, 2007

We are Fish

We are failing our world. Along with pollution, cutting down forests and completely destroying our ecosystem. Traditions mean more to many people than morals do. Many have the idea that as long as we keep a species alive then we are doing our job as human kind. But we can't even do that! Day after day species are becoming endangered and extinct and it is because of us. Global climate changes, excess pollutant, and this is all because of our "advanced" technologies and sciences. Someone in class said that we have evolved since cavemen-times. Is that a good thing?
At least then we were hunting to survive, now we are hunting to destroy. Our world is not going to last and there may be no way to stop the domino effect, the chain reaction, that our parents and grandparents were part of, that we still are a part of. Human beings, being of a "superior" race don't seem too superior to me. Sure we can reflect and ask why we are destroying our one and only world but if we don't do anything about it what is the point?
Sometimes I think we are as simple as goldfish. One moment we are told that the world is going to end so we freak out, swim around in circles and make plenty of bubbles. The next moment we are looking at the perdy yellow fish that is looking back at us from the other side of the glass.

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