Sunday, October 21, 2007

Country Girls and Boys

"Chest Thumping Patriotism"
I know these kinds of people. Coming from a very small country-bumpkin town, you are introduced to the men and women who do not have to think twice about stoning a person's house who has decided to support flag burning as a form of protest, or think that we should not be at war, since it is pointless to so many different extremes. And the women who have had an American Flag tattooed on her arm and on the side of her house. America, I think, is not about the symbols but about the people. So I don't have a problem supporting flag burning as a form of protest, but I have felt the reprecussions of believing as I do. But the idea that these radical patriots are only found in small country towns is a stereotype. The idea that country music is all about supporting the war, and that all people who like country music are republicans who are narrow-minded nationalists. These are all wrong.
Some country lovers are pig-headed, are quick to judge, and are infantile members of society who have never used a rational thought in their lives. can find these men and women in businesses, the city, and especially in politics.

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