Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Pornographic zoos

Zoos are pornographic in the sense that the animals are being demeaned and exploited, as women are mainly exploited in main male oriented pornography. The animals are not wild and can not be no matter what the food is that is given to them, or how well they are being taken care of. The interaction over long periods with humans is going to change the animal. The cages and bars containing the animals does not allow the animal to be "wild" or "real." This falsifies the animal, as does pornography to women. The image of the woman in porn is not of an actual woman, it is instead imaginary. But the image of a woman gives viewers the idea that all women are like this and should be treated this way. The addict of porno is changed as well. He is no longer a real man looking for a real woman. INstead he is falsified with wrong judgements and is happy with his false image of the other sex. This kind of fear of reality promotes insecurity and being anti-social to the extent of looking for human connections through exploitive images.

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