Friday, November 16, 2007

Competition for All

Alienation is an interesting idea, especially when it is used in comparison with education and students. It is something that we can relate to, which I think is very smart on Ollman's part. I do not think that we are alientated in most classes. For me, I decide what I want to research, when I want to hand it in and how well it is done. And as far as others having control over how and what I write, I think that for the most part that is structure, not alienation. I use the essays and research papers that mean the most important to me, they are not worthless, and the ideas inside them can be used over and over again. In class someone mentioned that socialism would get rid of competition, whic h I think is a horrible idea. I think that competition is very healthy and forces people to go above and beyond what they normally would do.

1 comment:

David K. Braden-Johnson said...

I don't think socialists need or ought to reject the sort of healthy competition most people enjoy.