Monday, December 10, 2007

Recurring Dreams

No religion is testable and I understand that creationism and other stories from the bible can be described as bad science. But I'd like to revise. Religion is not bad science, it simply isn't science at all. Which is fine and dandy, that's not to say that faith is bad it is just not science. I agree with Hobson that dreams are sporatic scenarios that we create in order to explain a physical stomach ache or such. It makes sense. But I don't know if he successfully answers my question about recurring dreams. Because I've been having this one dream at least three times every year or a long time now. Is it because our minds get used to the story, so when we physically feel that certain pain, or hungar, whatever, that story kicks into our mind. Are there only a number of dreams corrosponding to the number of physical feelings that we get? If so, are these dreams what our choices consist of? Maybe its not that we are protecting our sleep, although we need sleep to survive. I think that maybe after having these recurring dreams, since we know how it is going to end, we try to push ourselves past the last time that we woke up, maybe to get more of the story.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Protection of the habitat as well...

Yes. More and more people are watching porn. Although, there are many genres that treat the subjects in the pornography as equals, some even give the women a stronger role. Not dominitrix or anything, but the ability to say no and to have some control. Many of my friends are into that stuff. Maybe it is the creativity that they thrive on, I'm not sure. The fact is that it is still a falsified reality, but so are books. The genre of eroticism in books have been around for many years now. And with women's sexual revolution and realization of the power of one's own body it is not "unnatural" for women to be curious. This growing independence I do not see to be a bad thing in any way. But the porn that we were talking about in class is not a art, it isn't creative or imaginative in any way. It is exploitation of women, and men in some cases, just as some zoos are exploitating animals. But I think that ecotourism and conservation efforts through sanctuaries for animals are important in reviving the species that human kind has diminished and in many instances destroyed. But the fact is that the habitats have to be protected as well as the animals. Otherwise, what is the point if the animals being protected in captivity have no where to go afterwards?

Pornographic zoos

Zoos are pornographic in the sense that the animals are being demeaned and exploited, as women are mainly exploited in main male oriented pornography. The animals are not wild and can not be no matter what the food is that is given to them, or how well they are being taken care of. The interaction over long periods with humans is going to change the animal. The cages and bars containing the animals does not allow the animal to be "wild" or "real." This falsifies the animal, as does pornography to women. The image of the woman in porn is not of an actual woman, it is instead imaginary. But the image of a woman gives viewers the idea that all women are like this and should be treated this way. The addict of porno is changed as well. He is no longer a real man looking for a real woman. INstead he is falsified with wrong judgements and is happy with his false image of the other sex. This kind of fear of reality promotes insecurity and being anti-social to the extent of looking for human connections through exploitive images.

Friday, November 30, 2007

I Am Animal

My first question on the film we watched on Animal Rights is if that one lady volunteered to be on the panel. Because she was so nervous and anxious that I was paying more attention to her body language than what she was talking about. Anyways, the idea that animals are lesser in ever way that means anything to humans has been the societal norm for so long, but taking even five seconds to think about the problem of animal rights will leave a bad taste in any sentient beings mouth. While watching the film they brought up if retarded or senile human beings were considered as individuals then they would be thought defective and then should be sent to live on their own little island. But we don't do that because they are human, because of their genetic code. But we do not in any way treat animals with that kind of consideration. I thought of horses who are shot and killed because they can no longer race as fast because of age. And although some cultures take elderly humans and send them out on a raft to die an "honorable" death, animals are not even given the honor of death. It is more like the horse is a prisoner or war stood up against a wall, blindfolded and then shot or beheaded. It is not right. While runt piglets are killed off because they are considered defective, kinds with autism and disabilities are given more protection and rights. It's rather disgusting since we are all animals. Every single one of us. Perhaps people are just having a hard time seeing the truth as it is, that we are all animals. Saying that humans are animals and actually believing the words are two very different issues.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Natural Nature

Using "nature" as one thing in a specific field and then using it in a different way in another, I think is a big problem and where the main cultural confusion comes from. Mnay people agree that human beings are animals (those who do not admit I suppose would only be devoutly religious). But for some reason, perhaps the fact that humans have the capability to self reflect is why the majority of people place humans although animals outside the realm of nature. Many people think of nature apart from humans because of the societal/cultural definitions placed upon the word. The variety of meanings does not help to simplify the issue. In my environmental class nature is used to describe everything except humans, so it is not surprising that Professor Johnson received the reaction that he did in class today. I agree that there is nothing unnatural about human beings destroying their habitat, its just unnerving and horrible. The terms that we use in everyday life are being meant to mean one thing while their actual definition is perhaps very different. This complication of language is another way that humans with such "high" intelligence have made life more complex.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Greatest Threat

I don't have the facts. But I do not understand how the USA is the greatest threat to the world. If anything it is the greatest threat to itself, but I think that is relevant to every single country and every single individual as well. Perhaps one of the greatest threats to the world is China or India, that continue to increase the population by hundreds of thousands or more every year. That is why there are so many third world countries that can not support themselves, why everyone is worrying about the scarcity of water, etc. The United States has a lot of negative attributes that it needs to work out but so does every other country in the world. Everyone needs to be looking for new ways to stop pollution and to create new forms of energy and so forth, but I do not see how the United States is to be blamed at the forfront. Everyone needs to take responsibility for their short comings. Although I do agree that terrorists are not the greatest threat to the world. The greatest threat is the Bush administration. Period.

Working it out

Work defines a large part of who I am. So, to me, it just makes sense that what I put into my work, the final product, will be a part of who I am and that will be shown through a material object. I do not agree with the idea from Marx that work alienates its workers. Instead I believe that workers are competetive. But it is in no way a bad or negative attribute. Competition forces humans to use their minds and to create new and better technologies in order to make people's lives better and more effiencient. I know that many people complain about their jobs, I do, but for the most part they do not know where they would be without the job that they hold. Partly because people need to know that they are needed and capable of doing a good job at something. This is not just miners or desk jobs, but also housewives, stay at home moms, and children. Everyone wants to know that they are doing something well and by getting this kind of appreciation they are more apt to do better/more.